Core Shamanism


We are inheritors of a profound spiritual tradition – shamanism. Rooted in principles that can be found all over the world, it is thousands of years old and at the same time cutting-edge. Shamanic work has persisted for one simple reason: it works.

Close up of leaf from below with hairs and nerves

Basic Workshops

Proven formats of introductory workshops in which participants gain access to shamanic journeys and other divinatory and healing techniques. The goal is to establish contact with one's own spiritual helpers and thus have authentic spiritual experiences. These workshops lay the foundation for the core shamanic training.

to Basic Workshops

Advanced Workshops

The advanced workshops are each dedicated to a selected focus topic, into which the participants are initiated step by step. Each of these workshops is part of the shamanic training and serves to intensify the relationship with one's own spiritual allies.

to Advanced Workshops

Long Term Training Programmes

The Foundation for Shamanic Studies' Long Term Training Programmes, unique in the world, introduce rarely demonstrated shamanic techniques. Participants undergo intensive, personal initiations over an extended period of time.

to the programmes